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Our manifesto

At our core, we believe that men's skincare should be simple, effective, and affordable. We're committed to using proven ingredients in our products, and we're dedicated to offering fair pricing that doesn't compromise on quality.

We believe that men's skincare should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their budget or lifestyle. That's why we've created a line of products that are designed to meet the unique needs of men's skin, and that are formulated with natural and organic ingredients that are safe and effective.

We're committed to transparency in all aspects of our business, from our sourcing and manufacturing processes to our pricing and marketing. We believe that transparency is essential to building trust with our customers and creating a more sustainable and ethical skincare industry.

Ultimately, we believe that men's skincare is about more than just looking good - it's about feeling confident and taking care of yourself. We're proud to be a part of that journey, and we're committed to helping men look and feel their best every day.

Our background

Meet Maarten and Peter, the vibrant force behind our brand. Their friendship spans over a decade and a half, solidified through shared dreams and a knack for creative entrepreneurship. They are spirited individuals who believe that life should be savored - a philosophy that permeates every aspect of their approach to men's skincare.

Their shared journey into skincare was sparked by a simple frustration: the high price tags attached to underwhelming products. They believed skincare shouldn't feel like a luxury tax but a fundamental self-care ritual - something as natural, easy, and affordable as it is effective.

Together, they embarked on a mission to revolutionize men's skincare. They wanted to create a brand that simplified skincare, made it accessible to all, and most importantly, held true to its promises. From these core values, our brand was born.

More than just business partners, Maarten and Peter are a visionary pair with a genuine desire to make a difference. They're not just about creating effective skincare; they aim to empower men to embrace self-care and feel their best, every day.

Their commitment to transparency and integrity has set a new standard in the industry. From ethical sourcing and manufacturing to an unshakeable belief in quality and affordability, Maarten and Peter are reshaping men's skincare - one product at a time.

They are not just the founders; they are the heart and soul of our brand. Their story is our story, a tale of friendship, vision, and unwavering commitment. With them at the helm, we are dedicated to revolutionizing men's skincare, making it a part of every man's journey towards confidence and self-care.